For a description or route planning we recommend the Google Maps service by Google. You can reach the page by clicking on 'View larger map (en) / Größere Karte ansehen (dt) in the upper left corner. In accordance with the DSGVO data protection regulation, we would like to point out that the use of the Google Map service lies in your own responsibility. By clicking on the link you will be redirected to the 'Google-Maps' web-page. Google' endeavors to fully implement the European DSGVO. Nevertheless, in case of doubt please inform yourself on that page about the further use & processing of your data by Google.
PLEASE NOTE: For the duration of the 'Corona Pandemic' we ask you to please contact us in advance by e-mail or phone to arrange a visit with us in advance. Thank you for your understanding.
Approach / Route planning Cordes location addresses for navigation: Im Südfeld 3, 48308 Senden < | > Gülzer Strasse 21, 19258 Boizenburg/Elbe
cordes  |  Contact / Team | Approach / Route planning
Dipl. Ing. Thomas Allkämper Sales & Distribution Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 12 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Volker Dortmann Sales & Distribution Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 11 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Lars Müller Sales & Distribution Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 15 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Simone Bergmann Sales Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 22 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
SERVICE is written BIG with us. Call us. We are happy to help!
Contact / Team
Our e-mail address for general inquiries is:
Dipl. Betriebswirt Frank Schlautmann Director Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 0 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Dipl. Ing. Heiko Höft Director (Technology & Development) Phone: +49 38847 3797 - 0 Fax: +49 38847 3797 - 10
Andreas Diener PM Tunneling Phone: +49 38847 3797 - 16 Fax: +49 38847 3797 - 10 Mobile: +49 174 150 96 10
Dipl. Ing. Ingo Kloppenburg Technology Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 14 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20 Mobile: +49 173 614 98 93
Andrea Deitmer Administration Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 36 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Ingo Bontrup Manager Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 19 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Andrzej Bereta Distribution / Sales Force- Poland Phone: +48 122 854 292 Mobile: +48 797 743 255
Cherin Ronney Cheriyan Tunnelbau Technologie Tel.: +49 38847 3797 - 22 Fax: +49 38847 3797 - 10 Mobil: +49 174 1509 733
Adèle Roy, BAEKELITE SAS Sales & Distribution / Sales Force France Phone: +33 385 96 06 46 Mobile: +33 6 47 57 82 63
Jean-Philippe Guyot, BAEKELITE SAS Sales & Distribution / Sales Force France Phone: +33 385 96 06 46 Mobile: +33 6 08 87 81 99
Jürgen Heßeler Quality Ensurance / Laboratory Phone: +49 2536 9939 - 18 Fax: +49 2536 9939 - 20
Theodor Cordes GmbH & Co.KG | Im Südfeld 3 | 48308 Senden | Germany | | Phone.: +49 2536 9939 0 | Fax: +49 2536 9939 20
Contact | Imprint | Data Protection | GTC
Sealing Systems & Elastomeric Profiles
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